Prometeo is a highly-regarded cultural and scientific magazine, Since it was founded in Italy in 1983, it has disseminated ideas and scientific findings through articles that are intellectually rigorous, but accessible to non-specialists. As it is evident from its Scientific Committee, Prometeo’s identity is deeply rooted in the European cultural, academic, and intellectual tradition. The original impetus of Prometeo, which remains valid today, was to break down existing fences between the humanities and the sciences, as well as between the different disciplines within each.

In the three decades that have passed since its first issue was published, the intellectual landscape has significantly changed. Yet, Prometeo remains a point of reference for those among us who seek high-quality sources for what we call “cultural updating.” These three decades have also seen a radical change in the way we access information and in the emergence of English as the lingua franca of our time.

Therefore, while the print edition will remain available exclusively in Italian, we are launching a digital version in English (American English, to be precise). With the aim to make the digital, English version of Prometeo known, we have created a special, digital-only, completely free issue.

This March 2024 issue is freely available on our website – also in Italian. We have also added a new word to our original name: liberato. In English it should be translated with “unbound.” It is a direct reference to Aeschylus and his trilogy, but we also like to think that we are unleashing a new, great energy.

This is a very unique issue, starting with the front cover. Created by Stephen Alcorn, it shows Narcissus trying to see an image of his beautiful self but this time the water returns to him the image of a robot. What will this new and fast-evolving generative world look like? How will our lives, and human civilization itself, change? We have worked assiduously on this topic, and by mid-April we will make freely available a series of essays on our website. In this issue you will find pieces on history, from archaeology to Roman, from modern to contemporary; talks on physics, astrophysics, neuroscience and experimental research; forays into art (including an exclusive production for our journal) and the humanities.

We have decided to republish some reviews from the recent past that are particularly adherent to the horizon that the journal wishes to embrace with regard to national and international nonfiction. We hope we have succeeded in adequately conveying the polyphony that is typical of Prometeo and the wealth of content that our readers will find in each of our issues. We also hope that browsing this special issue will encourage you to subscribe to Prometeo’s digital edition. Prometeo is a labour of love. Our goal is, to say it with Nussbaum, to cultivate humanity.

Therefore, Prometeo’s subscription is far from expensive (details can be found on page 180-181). With are entering this new phase of Prometeo’s life with courage, commitment, and industriousness. We are making gamble, and we hope you will gamble with us. Comments and suggestions are welcome:

I conclude with an appeal: for three months we will be online for free, please help us to publicize this possibility of perusal.

Dear readers, thank you and happy reading!